Sunday, September 25, 2011

Roadrunner Extreme in Dayton!

We may not have 4g yet but we do finally have a quality high bandwidth isp! I am paying $5 less a month than what I was paying for RR Turbo and just tested my connection at 30.58mbs down and 4.98 mbps up. In the words of the Koolaid Pitcher Man "OH YEEEEAAH"

Gotta Start Somewhere..

Hi everyone, this is my first ever blog post and I guess everyone starts somewhere right! While putting this blog together I had to obviously come up with the name and I was running through words in my head that would apply to me and obviously geek was one of the first ones. For some reason it just didn't strike the right cord so off to I went, typed in geek, and started reading the result. About 10 seconds later I exploded into what would have been an embarrassing fit of uncontrollable cry-laughter had anyone been around to witness it. Here is the listing for geek, lets see if you guys find it as funny as I did:

Main Entry: geek
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: odd person; computer expert
Synonyms: buffoon, computer specialist, curiosity, dolt, dork, freak, goon, guru, nerd, techie, weirdo
Notes: a geek  is any smart person with an obsessive interest, a nerd  is the same but also lacks social grace, and a dweeb  is a mega-nerd